Make your own themes for iPhones or iPads and send them directly to the mobile device using your WiFi connection. The tool automatically names the icons that you create and also finds as well as displays the icon size requirements. Works with icon bundles from iOS 6-9.
Create stunning themes for iOS. Ranging from our extensive and still growing WinterBoard themer, or making your own stunning Zeppelin theme. Quickly and easily!
What's new in version
- Added iPad support with IconBundles.
- Moved around GUI of Winterboard Theme Maker.
- Now Winterboard Theme Maker uses IconBundles to theme Icons.
- Removed menu items that can be found on main page from Winterboard Theme Maker.
- Fixed bug where "/" would not show in the Icon location.
- Updated icon size requirements.
- Changed the way you change your Theme Name.
- Fixed layout of Credit page.